
30 August 2010


Students have to learn a second language in most countries as part of their school curriculum, and that includes Spanish, French, German, Japanese,Chinese,etc.. Indian school students need to learn both a second and a third language, such as English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, as part of their curriculum. And some opt for Foreign languages such as French and German when there is a choice. Learning a language other than their mothertongue can be difficult, especially the Grammar aspect. And some students master the language Grammar, but are not fluent in their speaking. Most students master the English language especially if it is the medium of instruction in their school. It is essential that students get good grades in their chosen language so as to maintain a healthy overall average of their subjects. Teachers and parents can encourage their children to create a blog in their chosen languages. Having a blog in English
is easy for most but what of the language blogs? Well, they can be fun too! They give the student a clarity of the language and they soon become more proficient in the writing, reading and speaking skills. Being able to blog in a language they are studying, gives students a chance to master spellings, pronunciation and proper construction of sentences, in addition to increased vocabulary. Being creative about a new language makes them more proficient in language skills and they speak with ease. And the language is never forgotten during their lifetime.
Blogger has a tool for the South Indian languages such as Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam,Tamil and Telugu, which shows up in the new Text Editor, once it is enabled in the Settings.
ಕನ್ನಡ ಬರಿ
हिंदी लिखो
The Editor also boasts of the Translate tool which can be used to find relevant words. Students are definitely going to love this one and will submit all language assignments on time. Assignments and time bound projects for the Languages can be more interesting, since they can learn to use the Translate tool for the said languages or even Foreign languages such as French, Japanese and Spanish. Words or phrases can be translated as a whole or definitions can be obtained as well. Teachers can do well to adopt this methodology to encourage their students to fare well in their Languages. Giving them a chance to create podcasts will enhance their learning ability as they can listen to their pronunciations and correct themselves where necessary. And these podcasts can be embedded into their blogs, making it a fun way to learn and share with their class.

Recommended Reading : Google's New Translation Tool
Top 5 Reasons To Start A Class Blog
How To Create Content In Indian Languages With Google
How To Make An Interactive Language Blog
How To Connect With A Voice Blog
Create A Talking Avatar For Your Student Blog
5 Steps To Creating A Podcast For Students

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