
14 February 2009


Parents and teachers are concerned about children's handwriting.Yes,while they are learning to write,presents a different set of problems that can be corrected with proper guidance,oodles of patience,and practice sheets.Holding the pencil correctly,adjusting to the natural light,sitting properly at the desk holding the book at the right angle all make a difference in handwriting during formative years.Taking into account,the student who is a left hander,needs a different approach.There are several teachers who reprimand children for bad handwriting,but few make time for a student that needs more encouragement in the right direction.Practical advice to help improve your child's handwriting has an explicit video that shows what you can do as a parent or teacher to help children with bad handwriting.
Adults sometimes have illegible handwriting and need to improve themselves as well.
Here are some tips for you in my hub entitled,How To Improve My Handwriting

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